Can Social Media Affect Your Divorce?
From posting vacation photos on Instagram to announcing the birth of a child on Facebook, people use social media for various reasons. Although social media has its benefits, it can cause issues during an Illinois divorce. To prevent complications in your divorce case, try to limit what you post on these sites.
How Social Media Can Damage Your Divorce Case
When you make a post on social media, it may get taken out of context, which can be problematic for your divorce. For instance, let’s say that you go out to the bar one night with a few friends and post a photo of the group on Facebook. Although you are not doing anything wrong, the photo may lead some people to believe that you are an irresponsible parent who drinks too often. Your ex may even try to use that photo in a custody proceeding to suggest that you are an unfit parent.
Posting on your social media may also have financial consequences for your divorce. If you, for example, post a photo of a new vehicle you purchased, despite claiming financial difficulties, your ex’s lawyer may argue that you are hiding assets
Tips for Using Social Media When You Are Divorcing
If you do not want to avoid social media completely when you are going through a divorce, be extra cautious about what you share. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.
Do not make negative comments about your ex. It is understandable that you may be angry with your ex, but you should avoid talking poorly about him or her on social media. Doing so can negatively impact your divorce case. Instead, vent your frustrations to a trusted family member or friend.
Be careful about posting photos. There is nothing wrong with sharing photos of yourself on social media. However, when you are in the middle of a divorce, you have to be more cautious about the types of photos you post, as they can be used against you. Before you post a photo, determine if you are comfortable with a judge seeing it. For example, if you post a photo of yourself holding an alcoholic beverage, a judge may assume you do not take your child custody case seriously.
Avoid mentioning expensive purchases. When you are going through a divorce, what you spend your money on will be closely examined. That is why you should avoid posting about vacations, electronics or other expensive purchases you have recently made.
Contact a St. Charles Divorce Attorney
The attorneys at Weiler & Associates, Inc. know just how stressful the divorce process can be. Trust us to take care of the details of your divorce and answer any questions you may have. If you are planning to get divorced from your spouse, contact our Kane County divorce lawyers at 630-331-9110 to schedule a consultation.