What Does it Cost to Get Divorced in Illinois?
When a couple gets married, few describe the union in terms of the marriage’s legal significance. However, it is important to remember that marriage is a legal relationship between two people. Undoing that legal partnership through a divorce can take a significant amount of time and money. However, the cost of divorce ranges dramatically from case to case. If you are thinking about divorce, consider the following factors to estimate how much the divorce will cost.
Estimating the Financial Cost of Your Divorce
When it comes to divorce, it is nearly impossible to predict the exact cost ahead of time. Multiple factors influence the total cost, including the complexity of the couple’s financial situation and what issues the spouses disagree on.
According to Business Insider, the average cost of divorce in the United States is approximately $15,000. However, some divorces cost much less, and others cost much more. If a couple owns few assets, has no children, and agrees on the relevant divorce issues, they may be able to get divorced for as little as a couple of hundred dollars. Divorce cases that go to trial can result in overall costs of $50,000 or more.
How Can I Keep Divorce Costs Down?
If you are like many people, you want to reduce the cost of your divorce as much as possible. One option is to resolve divorce issues through mediation. During divorce mediation, a mediator works with the couple to discuss divorce issues practically and cooperatively. The greater number of divorce issues you can resolve without the court’s intervention, typically, the lower your divorce expenses.
However, it is crucial to account for the long-term financial implications of your divorce as well. Some people assume that they can save money through a “do it yourself” divorce or by simply agreeing to their spouse’s every demand. However, these actions can lead to serious financial problems in the future. For example, a spouse who agrees to a property division arrangement without legal counsel may be unaware of the massive debts his or her spouse has accumulated during the marriage. It is only after the divorce is complete and creditors are pestering the spouse for payment that the spouse realizes what has happened.
Issues like these are why it is important to work with an experienced lawyer during divorce. Your attorney can help you identify the most cost-effective means of resolving your divorce and ensure that the divorce outcome protects your financial future as much as possible.
Contact a St. Charles Divorce Lawyer
For dependable legal guidance during your Illinois divorce, contact the skilled Kane County divorce attorneys at Weiler & Associates, Inc.. Call 630-331-9110 for a confidential consultation.